This Post continues a series where we look at The Sales Tax
Ordinance, Ordinance 13- 34, and compare it to what is being said by the sales
tax supporters.
Here is a link to the actual Ordinance (Law) that you are
being asked to approve in the sales Tax Referendum: Greenlight
Pinellas Tax Ordinance.
Section 5. Conduction of Referendum
Election. The Board hereby calls a referendum election and directs the
Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections to conduct such election in
conjunction with the General Election on November 4, 2014, for the
submission of a referendum question to the electors of Pinellas County to
determine whether a majority of electors voting in the election are in favor of
the levy of the Surtax on transactions occurring within Pinellas County as
provided by law. Reasonable costs associated with conducting said election
shall be paid by the County.
This Section
formally calls for the Referendum to approve the sales tax increase and
indicates the County will pay for the costs associated with the referendum.
Section 6. Ballot Title and
Summary. (a) In accordance with the Acts, and Section
101.161, Florida Statutes, the following ballot title and summary are approved
for submission to the electors of Pinellas County, Florida, for approval or
rejection by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum election
scheduled for November 4, 2014. The official ballot shall be in substantially
the following form:
Levy of Countywide One Percent Sales Surtax to Fund Greenlight Pinellas
Plan for Public Transit.
Summary: Shall the improvement, construction,
operation, maintenance and financing of public transit benefitting Pinellas
County, including an expanded bus system with bus rapid transit, increased
frequency and extended hours, local passenger rail and regional connections be
funded by levying a one percent sales surtax from January 1, 2016 until
repealed, with the proceeds deposited in a dedicated trust fund?
___ YES, for the 1% sales surtax
___ NO, against the 1% sales surtax
This is the
actual language you will see on your ballot.
The Title of
this referendum contains the Words Greenlight
Pinellas Plan but there is no place in the actual Ordinance you are being
asked to approve that specifically assigns or dedicates any specific funds or
percentage of funds to the GreenLight plan. The Ballot language was carefully
crafted to support the preplanned marketing effort and to mislead voters.
This is the
only place these words (GreenLight Plan) appear in this Ballot Language and they
only appear one other place the Sales Tax Ordinance.
The Objective
here is to attempt to tie all of that advertising and information you will be
getting in the mail supporting this initiative to the ballot referendum.
You will note
that the official Ballot Language Summary does not contain the words Greenlight Pinellas.
Section 7. Notice of Election. The
Clerk shall publish notice of the referendum in accordance with Section 100.342,
Florida Statutes, on the following dates: October 1, 2014 and October
This Section sets the formal Publication Notices that
will appear in the legal section of a local news paper, and be posted on public
bulletin boards.
e-mail Doc at: dr.webb@verizon.net, or send me a Facebook (Gene Webb)Friend
request. See More of Doc at Bay Post Internet and St.Pete Patch, Gulfport Patch, Clearwater
Patch, Palm
Harbor Patch, Largo
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks
Disclosures: Contributor to No Tax for Tracks
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