We met in Wayne's office at City Hall.
Questions are in Bold:
was some concern expressed by City Council regarding support from the Arts
Community for the new sustainability model. How will you and the Administration be
addressing those concerns?"
"I talk with people all day
long sometimes it seems like that's all I ever do," Wayne continued.
"It's getting individually with
anybody within the arts community and collectively so that we are all working
together. The Warehouse
arts District is working with the Grand Central which is working with the
Edge, the Central Arts District, the Museums, cross platforms in terms of media
and gets everybody working together.
Sometimes that's not the easiest
thing to do, but I think if you explain to people this is the best way to move
forward I really think everybody is on board.
a little deeper I asked, "My question about that approach is do they, the
Arts people, get it?
Do the people who are really producing the art product are
they really going to buy into this concept or are they going to be coming
around through this other path, some of which you heard at City Council from
some council members who said "well I think we should be giving more of
the $200,000 to the artists."
Wayne firmly replied, "A
Festival needs to pay artists. You can't have an Arts Festival without paying
artists something. There will be some
way of doing that. A street art festival, you can't have a street art festival
without paying the artists something. So
in all of these festivals there is a way to direct
money to the artists without
saying here's a check for going somewhere and thinking about art.
We have the talent here and they can
produce anything.What we needed was for a group to package and promote whatever
the community creates into a Festival and the Suncoasters can do that and
actually approached us to be partners in doing such a thing. Plus they will be raising additional dollars
for arts scholarships and should be making an announcement with some details of
the Festival sometime in March, I believe, and will be working with the
community to help focus national attention on our arts scene through the Festival.
the final Post of this series Wayne continues his conversation about support
for the new sustainability approach and how he will address some Council
members concerns.
Doc at:mail to:dr.gwebb@yahoo.com. Or send me a Facebook (Gene Webb) Friend
request. Twitter@DOCONTHEBAY. Please comment below, and be sure to share on
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