Friday, August 16, 2024

“Machine” Dumps $50K More Into Their Candidate Who Was A Firefighter Union Leader When Hillsborough Firefighters Got Caught Hiring Outlaws Gang Members

"Machine" wash, rinse, profit, repeat

The SimWinsTwins Pedicini and Piccolo laundry "Machine" circle of money goes round and round. 

The "Machine" has dumped $50K more into their Machine candidate Chris Boles PAC "Rescue Hillsborough". 

As we posted here, The "Machine" forced a challenger into the Hillsborough County District 6 county commission race to run against the true conservative Republican Dr. Jim Davison.

Did the SimWins Twins vet their candidate? Did they know their chosen one was a leader of the Hillsborough firefighter’s union when the firefighters hired Outlaws gang members to be County firefighters?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Primary Election Time! Take Note of the SimWins Twins and Their Laundry "Machine Candidates"

The Primary election is upon us with early voting and the election on August 20th. Primary elections are where you the voter have the opportunity to elect "your" best candidate to proceed on to the General Election. 

However, the "Machine" believes "they" get to select candidates in the Primary election not you. The Machine wants power, control and influence. They use lots of circular money to do it.